DES Helicopter Refueling Systems

For fixed and rotary wing aircrafts as well as for ground vehicles and static equipment.


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The DESMI refueling systems are intended for use in both the military and commercial sectors. DESMI is the preferred supplier of systems for both fixed and rotary wing aircrafts. Each system is specifically designed for pumping, filtering and dispensing fuel for military and naval use and will at all times deliver dry clean fuel at the end of the nozzle.

Safe Fuel operation on board your naval ship - in every naval environment.


  • Maximum operation time
  • Easy access for maintenance & trouble shooting
  • Max uptime
  • Easy handling before first flight of day


The pump and filtration system is available in 3 standard sizes, depending on your request:


  • 150-225 liters
  • 225-480 liters
  • 480-680 liters


No matter which size you choose, we make sure it fits your ship and your operation. We deliver with one or two filter water separators and each system is made in a modular design with bottom plate to save weight and increase strength and prepared for HIFR and for the newest filter barrier technology.

Download Brochures

DES 150 P&F – DES 180 P&F

  • English

DES 250 P&F – DES 280 P&F

  • English

DES 250-280P & 150-180F

  • English

DES 340 – 365 BASIC

  • English

DES 340 – 365 FWB - HIFR

  • English

DES 340 – 365 FWB

  • English

DES 340 – 365 HIFR

  • English

Defense Segment brochure

  • English
  • Arabian

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