How selecting a pump with a larger discharge flange cuts your operating costs

Imagine cutting your energy costs by simply upgrading the size of your pump's discharge flange. It’s not just a technical tweak; it’s a smarter, more sustainable way to protect your bottom line. With a small change, you can make a big impact on your profitability and the future of your operations.

Let’s take the following example into consideration for salt water.

Setup 1 - DN300 discharge

Setup 2 - DN350 discharge

  • 40 m SDR17 Ø315 PE pipe (Ø278 mm internal diameter) for DN300 discharge flange
  • 4 x 90° bends
  • Flow (Q) = 920 m3/h
  • Static head = 6 m
  • Dynamic head 3,4 m (pipe friction)
  • Total head = 9,4 mLC
  • 40 m SDR17 Ø400 PE (Ø353 internal diameter) pipe for DN350 discharge flange
  • 4 x 90° bends
  • Flow (Q) = 920 m3/h
  • Static head = 6 m
  • Dynamic head 1,19 m (pipe friction)
  • Total head = 7,19 mLC

A reduction of 2,21 mLC is achieved by enlarging the discharge pipe.
And this reduced head can be converted into power (given as P2) with a simple formula:


A saving of 6,84 kWh between setup 1 and setup 2 (29,1 kW minus 22,26 kW)

If we imagine that there are 32 pumps each running 24/7/365 (which is 8760 hours) then this 6,84 kWh reduction in power adds up to 1.917.802 kWh every year and with the cost of energy today then this amounts to a massive saving in energy costs, which in turn leads to greater profitability in your business.

Cut energy costs with smarter pump discharge solutions

Ready to reduce energy costs and boost profitability?

Upgrading to the right discharge flange can mean massive savings for your aquaculture business. Contact DESMI’s AquaCulture team today and discover how smarter solutions can drive efficiency and sustainability for your operations

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