Surveillance at a distance
IoT solutions are revolutionizing the way we manage and interact with technology, offering unparalleled advantages. For managers overseeing pump systems, this evolution translates into a suite of powerful tools. Real-time data access is now at your fingertips, allowing for immediate and strategic decision-making.
The DESMICloud solution ensures not only peak performance but also provides a detailed historical analysis of all DESMI’s flow technology products and their operational metrics. Moreover, the cutting-edge feature of remote troubleshooting redefines efficiency, minimizing downtime and maximizing productivity.
DESMICloud: Smart, connected, and proactive pump control, 24/7
Overview of DESMICloud-100
Monitoring data for most solutions:
DESMICloud and DESMI Dashboards provides the infrastructure for transferring and reviewing data for DESMI's flow technologies: Pumps, ballast water management systems, UV-solutions, AquaCulture pumps solutions, OptiSaveTM Energy Saving System, pumps and valve control systems etc.
All important data in one place
Our DESMICloud solution facilitates continuous surveillance of all relevant sensor-based parameters such as:
• Pressure at inlet and discharge flange
• Flow
• Vibration level
• Media temperature
• Motor temperature
• Etc.
Pumps are critical assets in most industries and a cornerstone in DESMI’s flow technologies where we consider ourselves among the world leaders in both on- and offshore in various industries, and we want to help our customers to run their pumps in the most efficient way. Data, and data-processing are the keys in order to run a pump efficient, and our Pump-IOT solution is a cost effective way to achieve exactly that.
The IOT box is placed locally and used for collecting sensor values such as differential pressure and VFD data readout and our unique insight to the performance of our pumps we are able to calculate the resulting flow and efficiency and issue warnings if the pump is operated outside its design characteristics. The IOT box is also prepared for vibration transmitters for condition based maintenance.
Benefits of the DESMICloud
• Access to DESMI's global network of certified experts to optimize operation and improve products based on data.
• Monitoring the devices and optimizing maintenance planning and component lifetime.
• Easy overview to reduce operational cost and minimize the number of service trips.
• Distinguish between failures that require immediate attentions vs planned maintenance.
• Possibilities to automate tasks (Alarm, Warning mail on limits).
• Eradicate root causes for failure.
• Periodic inspection for preventive maintenance.
DESMICloud Solution and Data Accesibility in Customer Scada System
All data can be transmitted to the DESMI cloud by LAN, WIFI, LoRaWAN, 3G/4G or whatever is available on the site.
The data, which is relevant in the daily operation, can be directed into the customer SCADA/Management System and can be used to monitor the efficiency and the “health” of the pumps along with other required parameters.
DESMI Support 24/7
With the DESMICloud solution you have online surveillance of live data and our team will do our best to ensure your pumps and systems are running stable 24/7.
If the system registers an abnormal operation, operators and our team will receive an alarm. If needed, DESMI DeServe offers live support from remote and should it be needed, we also do onsite service.
Our most important task, is to ensure we fault find very fast, solve the problem and keep downtime to a minimum, so that the pumps are up and running quickly again.