OptiSave™ - Energy Saving System

Intelligent control of your cooling water system


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With DESMI OptiSaveTM Energy Saving System it is simple - save 80,000 USD by having an intelligent control of your cooling water system

The cooling water system on-board vessels is designed for operation in 32°C seawater and 100% engine load and the auxiliary equipment runs as if this condition is permanent.

However, the seawater temperatures of the oceans are not 32°C all over the world. Actually, there are only few hotspots where these conditions are present. This means that the cooling system in 95% of operation time are absorbing too much energy.

  • Energy saving up to 90%
  • Short return on investment
  • Prolonged lifetime of pumps due to less wear and tear
  • Minimum changes in existing electrical installations
  • Proven technology
  • Reduced OPEX
  • Worldwide service support



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OptiSave - Energy Saving System

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OptiSave Energy Saving System for Defense

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Energy Saving System

DESMI OptiSave™

Optimizing Pump and Fan Speed to Current Conditions and Saving Fuel

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