February 2025
October 2015
On the occasion of the International Conference on Smart Energy Systems and 4th Generation District Heating held in Copenhagen, DBDH received a Latvian delegation on August 27-28th. The delegation was headed by Ina Berzina-Veita, SIA Salaspils Siltums, together with Laura Rutkovska, Latvia District Heating Association, and was additionally represented by the following companies: AS Latvenergo, SIA Talsu Bio-Energija, SIA Bauskas Siltums, SIA Grobinas siltums, SIA Liepajas Energija, SIA Jekabpils Siltums, SIA Kuldigas Siltums, SIA Tukuma Siltums, AS SIMONE and SIA Ludzas Bio-Energija.
The programme was kick-started with a visit to Vestforbrænding in Glostrup, Denmark’s largest producer and distributor of waste-to-energy based district heating. We were received by Ole Holmboe, Energy Marketing Manager, who gave us a thoroughly explained tour around the facilities. The plant supplies district heating to 80,000 households in the area, from the energy generated in waste incineration. Out of the total waste that comes to Vestforbrænding facilities, 65% is recycled, 25% is incinerated and 10% is sent to landfill.
Besides Vestforbrænding, DBDH could also count on the collaboration of another one of its members: DESMI held a company presentation of DESMI Pumps under the visit. The company is actually the one supplying pump solutions for Vestforbrænding. The presentation focused on DESMI Pumps’ experience with enabling up to 89% energy savings and providing solutions for district heating and, more recently, for district cooling. Interesting case examples in Denmark, China and Ukraine were shown to illustrate the company’s areas of expertise. It was also mentioned that DESMI Pumps has a partner in Riga, Filter SIA, that could be a good facilitator in paving the way for dialogue and commercial collaborations in the future.
Next stop on the journey was Helsinge Fjernvarme. The delegation was very eager to see the solar panel plant and hear more about cogeneration of heat and electricity. We were shown around the facilities by Leif Jakobsen, Managing director, who was ready to answer all the technical questions posed by the group. Helsinge Fjernvarme houses the world’s largest motor generator, and the only of its kind in Denmark, with an hourly production capacity equivalent to the yearly consumption of 1.5 families.
Halsnæs Forsyning in Frederiksværk was the last district heating plant visited by the Latvian delegation. In the words of one our guests, “we were received by a very professional staff”, led by CEO Jan Hvidtfeldt Andersen and Operations manager Knud Karlsen. The plant covers four areas: waste management, water supply, wastewater management and district heating based on biomass. Moreover, Halsnæs Forsyning operates a 1-year old testing center in collaboration with FORCE Technology. The center offers an opportunity to both Danish and international companies within bioenergy to improve existing technologies and develop new ones.
The second and last day of the programme involved a visit to Albertslund Fjernvarme. The delegation was received at the city hall by Christian Oxenvald, Energy Consultant, who gave a presentation focused on low temperature district heating plant and a tour around the facilities. At the end of the day, it was clear to see that the delegation from Latvia was impressed by the size of the facilities visited, and that returning home involved some extra weight of knowledge and inspiration in the baggage.
February 2025
January 2025
October 2024
September 2024