Pumping Station at the Danish Wadden Sea
An area at the Danish Wadden Sea, close to the German border, is protected for its outstanding natural beauty by the Danish National Nature Agency. Two DESMI pumps are installed in the Wadden Sea and pump sea water into a big lake. The sea water in the lake contributes to ensuring that birds continue to breed in the area.
The pumping station is named Margrethe Kog. When the pumps are to be inspected and serviced, it must be done at low tide to enable the service engineers to drive on the road constructed in the Wadden Sea.
The National Nature Agency has entered a service agreement with DESMI and Jens Hjerrild Hansen from the National Nature Agency says: ”I am very pleased with the agreement with DESMI. The pumps fully meet our requirements for a pump solution and service agreement”.
The pumps are pumping approx. 500 litres of water per second from the Wadden Sea into the lake including almost 3,000 m3 sand a year, which makes heavy demands on the maintenance of the pumps.
The two pumps are sent to Nørresundby in October every year to be overhauled and have all wear parts
replaced. The pumps are installed again early in March and are thus ready for a new season. Frequency converters have recently been installed in connection with the pumping station, which will result in an annual saving of up to DKK 180,000.